Saturday, September 1, 2012

Time to recycle your plastic flower pots

Sorry for the drought of posts this year -- I've had too much on my plate. We'll see if I can make up for lost time a little bit.

There's still time to recycle your plastic plant pots at Mother Earth Gardens in Minneapolis. This is from their website:

POT RECYCLING ends on Sunday, September 24th.
Good excuse to start the fall chores in the garage? The name of this game is cooperation. We'll take single growers pots, 4 and 6 pack cells, and trays sorted by size and free of debris. Please make sure the pots do not contain any wires, rocks, garbage, other plastics, or excessive dirt because this stuff wrecks the process downstream. We cannot take compostable pots or consumer plastic pots purchased empty. Feel free to ask us if your pots fit the bill, we need to work together to keep this program going!