Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tag hanging
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Recycle your rags
There's also USAgain (Use Again), a national company with a location in Roseville, which processes clothes and rags from almost 1,000 collection bins.
All rags must be clean and dry.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Recycle your holiday lights

From Linden Hills Power & Light:
So you finally untangled that clump of holiday lights, plugged them in and ta-da...nothing!
Don't get mad, get even! Replace those frustrating suckers with nice new, energy-efficient LEDs, and kick the old ones to the curb of 43rd and Upton at Bayers Hardware (Minneapolis), where a nice recycling bin stands ready and waiting for them.
Every part including the glass and copper will be recycled. By one estimate, recycling copper takes about 10 percent of the energy it takes to extract it. It's very energy intensive to create new copper, so this is a big deal. According to estimates by the Clean Energy Resource Teams, recycling 50,000 pounds of lights in Minnesota would save about 530,000 kilowatt hours, or about 960,000 pounds of carbon dioxide. That's assuming 20,000 pounds of lights are replaced by LEDs and that homeowners with lights use them for about six hours a day from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day. Last year Minnesota recycled 100,000 pounds and this year's goal is 200,000 pounds.
For locations all over the state for recycling your lights, click here.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Amazon recycled paint
Any leftover paint we can’t use is manufactured into an alternative raw material used in the manufacture of cement. Using these processes, Amazon is able to beneficially recycle virtually 100% of the leftover paint received.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Foam trays recycled! In North Carolina!
I recycled my polystyrene (aka Styrofoam) trays in North Carolina. I know it sounds insane, but it's not as crazy as it sounds! Here's why: We were going from Asheboro, N.C., to Greensboro, N.C., which took us right through Randleman, N.C., which is where one of the Dart Container polystyrene drop-off facilities is. So I packed as many trays (uniform shape) into my suitcase and backpack as I could. And recycled them in N.C.! Now if only I could recycle the 13 other bags of cups, plates, trays and clamshells (those take-out containers that open and shut like a clam shell) in our garage...
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Green Gifts Fair is Saturday
Kick off your holiday shopping with the Green Gifts Fair on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Midtown Global Market. From the website:
Do It Green! Minnesota offers our annual Green Gifts Fair right before Thanksgiving. The event is meant to introduce green gift options and low impact ideas to celebrate the holidays from Thanksgiving to Hanukkah to Kwanzaa to Winter Solstice, New Year's and everything in between! Come begin your holiday celebrations with us on November 20th!
SHOP 70+ local retailers and artists for green, recycled, fair trade and organic gifts. Visit the full list of vendors by clicking the link above in Quick Links.
LEARN about green holiday decorating, wrapping, food & party ideas, and homemade gifts.
EAT lunch or dinner at many of the restaurants at the market and sample low carbon holiday foods with local chef demos.
CELEBRATE the new 2011 Do It Green! Magazine focusing on the last few decades of the environmental movement in MN (great gift idea!).
ATTEND the eco fashion show, low carbon food cook off, or listen to local musicians on our main stage.
REDUCE bring your own cloth shopping bags, reusable coffee mug for $1 coffee at Mapps Coffee & Tea in the market, and silverware and cloth napkins to reduce waste if you eat in the market (they only serve styrofoam and plastic!).
RECYCLE your holiday lights at the fair. For every holiday light string recycled receive one raffle ticket to win $50 in Green Gifts Fair bucks.
COME CAR-LESS Come by bike, bus, walking or carpool and get a gift! Download a Metro Transit Go Green Pass to travel for FREE. Or there is free parking for up to three hours in the parking ramp off of 10th St.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
A tour of the HERC

I got to tour the Hennepin Energy Recovery Center (HERC) this week, and it was fascinating. The amount of trash was staggering, but I'm glad it wasn't going to a landfill and that it was generating energy to heat downtown buildings and put some electricity onto the grid.

The plant's processes are constantly monitored with sensors, and deep in the bowels of the facility, Covanta operators go through their paces, using all of their senses (except taste!) to gauge whether things are working right. They can also tell by how the flames look whether things are burning well or not. This was just after our big snow storm Saturday, and as one guy put it, "snow doesn't burn well." I was mesmerized by the fire.
The control room operator works 12-hour shifts in front of a bank of computer screens, monitoring everything in the building and constantly tweaking the flow of air and steam, rate of combustion, the speed of the trash in the furnace. The HERC produces steam, which drives a turbine to produce electricity. To read more about the process, click here.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Dunn Bros sweetens the deal
I found out today that Dunn Bros Coffee will soon start giving customers a 25-cent discount on their beverages if they bring a reusable mug. The program starts Jan. 1, 2011. It's a significant savings, and I hope it's just the push some people need to start bringing their own mugs. I think it helps to have several, and to keep at least one clean one in your car all the time, ready for that spur-of-the-moment caffeine stop.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Plastic bag recycling (you can recycle many more types than you think)
Plastic bag recycling seems to be one area in particular of plastics recycling where a lot of people don't realize what types of bags and packaging are recyclable. Besides newspaper and grocery bags, you can recycle cereal and cracker bags, frozen-food bags, zipper-locking bags (cut the zipper part off because it's a different type of plastic). The key is that the bags must be dry and clean. (I think that's why they put frozen-food bags in the 'no' category when they used to be in the 'yes' category -- people were probably putting their wet frozen food bags with bits of onion ring still clinging to the insides into the recycling bin.) Here's a complete list, from the It's In The Bag program:
[Note: All material must be clean and dry]
Plastic grocery bags
Plastic retail bags (remove string ties & rigid plastic handles)
Plastic dry-cleaning bags
Plastic cereal bags (must be dry with ALL food residue removed)
Plastic bread bags (must be dry with ALL rood residue removed)
Plastic produce bags (must be dry with ALL food residue removed)
Plastic wrap from paper products (paper towels, etc.)
Plastic salt bags (remove rigid plastic handles)
Plastic zipper bags (remove top closing mechanism)
Plastic stretch/shrink wrap
6-pack holder rings
Plastic bags with food residue
Frozen food bags
Plastic bags with strings
Plastic soil or mulch bags
Plastic zipper bags with rigid plastic closing mechanism
Plastic bubble wrap
Plastic food containers
Plastic bottles
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Spousal support
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The packaging of public school lunches

Concerned Mom Tracy asked me to come to Windom Spanish Dual Immersion School this week because even though the school is already collecting organics for composting, she wanted to know about recycling options for all the packaging that food comes in.
Unfortunately I didn't have a lot of suggestions. Some of the wrappers can be sent to TerraCycle for recycling, and the #5 plastics can be brought to Whole Foods to be recycled by Preserve, but most of the plastic wrap and packaging is true trash.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
At my old job, my legacy lives on
Monday, November 8, 2010
Pumpkin roundup
(Don't you think the one pumpkin with the x's for eyes looks like he's being forcefed the pumpkin on top of him?)
Cut up 9 pumpkins. I could hear the squirrels overhead, holding a press conference about the new buffet in town. And while I was cutting, a little mole burrowing through the leaves visited me. Wish I'd gotten a picture.
Then the lovely Shannon and her charming brood showed up with 15 more!
Hey look, my SunChips bag is disintegrating. Pretty cool considering our pile doesn't get very hot.