Dear Diary, it was another typical week for me:
Sunday 10:30 a.m. She packed me to the hilt with Styrofoam.

5 p.m. Styrofoam unloaded. Good because the squeaking sounds were beginning to get to me.
5:30 p.m. I get loaded with plastic film and bags from the Linden Hills Festival, then 3 bags of mixed plastic containers from Leslie were added.
6:30 p.m. Plastic film, bags, containers unloaded.
7 p.m. I get loaded with organics. They're stinky!
7:15 p.m. Organics unloaded.
8:30 p.m. I then get loaded with garage sale items (those lamps will never sell), shovels and buckets for compost and one flat of plants for Carolyn.
Monday 11:30 a.m. shovels, buckets used and then reloaded.
6 p.m. Garage sale items unloaded

6:05 p.m. I get loaded with organics, plastic containers and plastic bags from the vet clinic.
8:30 p.m. Plastic containers, bags unloaded, then more organics get added.
Tuesday 8 a.m. organics unloaded. I can breathe freely again!
Wednesday 9 p.m. Plates, mugs, silverware loaded to be used at GreenCorps training
Thursday 8:30 a.m. Plates, etc. unloaded.
4 p.m. Plates, etc. reloaded, this time dirty.

8 p.m. 3 bags of #5 plastic containers, 3 bags of plastic bottle caps for Aveda, 3 bags of milk cartons/juice boxes for recycling by Eureka Recycling, 3 bags of corks (above) loaded.
Friday 12:45 p.m. Bottle caps and milk cartons unloaded. In their place I've got blocks of Styrofoam, a cat litter box and a big bag of organics.
3:15 p.m. #5 plastic and corks unloaded at Whole Foods. It's raining and she left my trunk open.
Saturday 10 p.m. Now she's moving stuff around and folding my seats down. Ah, she's loading up a bicycle.
Sunday 3 p.m. My trunk is filled with organics. They smell ripe! But oh do I feel useful!