1. Today went really well at Southwest High School; it was the third day of school. Most of the students sorted, and said things like "do it right!" to each other, so that was cool. Even the unmanned disposal stations were mostly sorted, and all the recycling bins we put out actually *contained* recyclables. I feel hopeful that we're going to greatly reduce waste this year, but I'm trying to keep my hopes in check until we're a few months into the school year.
So here's a side benefit to sorting your food waste that they don't tell you about: it's a lot easier to find your retainers. A student came up and told us he'd accidentally thrown them away with his lunch bag, and he only had to dig around in a shallow pile of trash before he found them.
The green bin on the left is one lunch period's worth of food. The red bin contains TWO lunch periods' worth of trash.
2. At a meeting today, Minneapolis Director of Solid Waste and Recycling Susan Young reported that every week her crews are delivering organics and recycling carts to events! It's spreading!!
3. I got this e-mail from Tiger Sushi on Lyndale Ave. (I wrote to them because they were trashing all their glass bottles [they have a BAR in the restaurant, so you can imagine how many hundreds of glass bottles they go through each week] instead of recycling them.)
Thank you so much for your concerned e-mail. I wanted to let you know right away that we are (happily) switching soon to a new waste mgmt. company that will recycle. We've been tied to the Waste Managment contract used by our landlord --until recently. Now we are switching to a new program that will allow us to recycle ---and also allows us to separate food waste to go to agricultural use.
Thanks so much for your interest.
Lisa Edevold
Owner, Tiger Sushi"
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